some psychological tricks from reddit
- 如果有人一直说个不停,你完全插不上话,掉个东西到地上(钥匙,笔之类的),你弯腰下去捡,然后开始说话。这样,你就可以神不知鬼不觉的打断对方,并且不被他发现。
If someone won’t stop talking or let you get a word in, drop something (keys, pen). Reach down to pick them up and start talking. It’s a way to interrupt without the other person realizing it.
- 如果有人一直来你办公桌旁边烦你,你继续跟他讲话,但是起身,一起走回他的办公桌。之前有个老板就很会这招。他会把你带回你的办公桌,然后你还纳闷,我怎么回来了。
If someone is bothering you at your desk too often, continue the conversation but get up and walk them back to their desk. Had a boss who was a guru at this. You’d be back at your desk wondering how the fuck you got there.
- 当一群人大笑的时候,每个人都会看自己最喜欢的人。
When a group of people laugh, everyone looks at the person they like the most.
- 如果有人对你发火,而你保持镇定,他们可能会更生气。但之后他们会为自己感到羞愧。
If somebody is angry at you and you stay calm, they’ll probably get angrier, but they’ll be ashamed at themselves later.
- 在面试之前,提前到达面试地点,在外面跟陌生人聊20分钟天。这会让你的大脑感觉自己对这个环境是熟悉的,从而让你更有自信。
Before interviews, arrive early and spend 20 minutes talking to strangers outside the building. It fools the brain into thinking the environment is familiar and will increase your confidence.
- 如果你突然想起N年前出的丑,并且感觉很丢脸的时候。停下来想想看到那件事的一个人,你能想起来发生在他身上的那些丢脸的事吗?可能不会。同样的,没人会记得你的那些丢脸的时刻。
When you’re cringing with humiliation at something you did years ago, stop and think of one of the people who saw it: can you think of something humiliating that happened to them? Probably not. Well, nobody remembers your moment, either.
- 如果你对学习一样技巧(一种乐器或一门外语等等)完全没有动力,告诉你自己:好,我坐下来,就学5分钟。很多时候,你最后会坐不止5分钟。就算只坐了5分钟,那也总比试都没试好。
If you have trouble motivating yourself to do something like learn a skill (instrument, language etc.) tell yourself “Ok, I’ll sit down and do this for just five minutes”
- 人们会把你用在别人身上的形容词跟你联系在一起。这种现象叫“无意识特征转移”。也就是说,如果你说一个人很真诚,很善良,人们会把这些特质联系到你身上。如果你总是在背地里说别人的坏话,人们也会把这些负面的评价联系到你身上。
People will associate the adjectives you use to describe other people with your personality.
- 感觉有人在看你,但又不确定怎么办?你可以打哈欠。然后看看那人有没有同样打哈欠。如果他也打了,那他可能真的在看你。因为哈欠是会传染的。
Ever get the feeling that someone is watching you, but you’re not sure? Try yawning and then glancing at your suspected stalker. If they yawn, then you know they’ve been watching you, since yawning is contagious.
- 如果有人想在很多人面前让你出丑,你可以对他非常有礼貌,这样会让他停止这种行为或者让他自己看起来很傻。
If someone is trying to make you look foolish in front of others, be exceptionally polite to them. This will either make them stop or look foolish themselves.
- 如果你感觉上司要在开会的时候对你开火了,坐的离他近一点。说一个离你很近的人的坏话或对他发飙是非常不舒服的。结果?他的语气可能会柔和一点。
If you think someone is going to go off on you in a meeting, sit right next to them. It’s extremely awkward talking bad about someone and being aggressive when they’re so close. No one wants to sit right next to the person they just bad-mouthed, So they’ll take it easier on you!
- 这是一个有趣的小实验,当你和某人聊天的时候,挑选他们说的其中一个词。每次说到这个词的时候,你就点头,或者做一些积极的动作。然后你就会发现,他开始经常说这个词。
To have a little fun with words, when having a conversation with someone, pick a word they say and then each time they say the word, or words close to it, smile, nod or give some type of positive affirmation, and watch them say the word all the time.
- 想要在刚认识的人面前表现的友好而自信?尝试着记住他们瞳孔的颜色。当然,你不需要跟他们提起这事。当你尝试这种方法的时候,你跟他眼神交流的频率刚好会让你显得友好而自信。
When you first meet people, try to notice their eye color while also smiling at them. It might be because you look for a second or two longer, but all I can tell you is that people really respond to it.
- 如果你希望某人对你坦诚,但他只对你说了其中一部分的时候,保持沉默并看着他的眼睛一会。
Do you wish your mate would open up? Well ask him a question, and if he only partially answers the question, keep eye contact and remain silent for a few seconds. They will usually continue talking, maybe a bit irritated, but they will continue to talk.
- 如果你在某个活动或行动之前很紧张,不要去咬指甲或抽烟,可以尝试嚼口香糖,我们的大脑很奇怪,当我们在吃东西的时候,它会感觉我们是安全的。
When you’re approaching a situation that would make you nervous like public speaking or bungee jumping, chew on a gum. If we are ‘eating’ something, our brain reasons it like ‘I would not be eating if I were danger. So I must not be in danger’.
- 孩子不爱吃蔬菜?不要直接问他们要不要吃西兰花?(或任何一种蔬菜)你可以问他们要3块还是4块某种蔬菜(数量由你定)。这会他们感觉自己是成年人,可以做决定,同时又能自愿吃下蔬菜。
If you want your kids to eat broccoli, ask them if they want 2 broccoli stalks or 5, instead of just asking them if they want broccoli. This way you’ve already made the choice for them, but they’ll feel like they’re getting a great deal by choosing the amount of broccoli they want. You can expand this trick to other situations, too.
- 不要做中间的那个人。你去面试的时候,尽量让自己第一个或最后一个进去面试。因为人们对头和尾记得比较清楚,中间的很多人就会趋向模糊。
People always have the clearest memory of first and last thing that happens, while the middle becomes a vague blur. So if you’re setting the time for an interview, try and be the first or last through the door.
- 尝试着记住你周边的事物,看一圈,然后闭上眼想象你刚看到的东西,再把眼睛睁开,看你只记对了多少东西,又有多少记错了。这会增强我们的记忆力和想象力。
Try to memorize your surroundings. Look around, then close your eyes and try to imagine what you saw, open them and see how little you remembered and how much you got wrong. It’ll strengthen memory and ability to visualize.
- 如果要找东西,尝试从右往左看。因为如果你按照平时的习惯从左看向右,眼睛会自动略过一些东西。反方向看比较累,但可以注意到更多细节。
If you’re trying to find something, try looking right to left as opposed to left to right. Your eyes tend to skim over things if you search in the direction you are used to reading in, so skim the opposite way. It takes me a bit more effort to do this, but I notice more details.
- 如果你问了一个问题,希望对方能同意你,在说的时候,微微点头。这在心理学上被称为镜像效应,如果你发出积极的信号,人们更有可能赞同你。
When asking someone a question, get them to agree with you by simply nodding your head. The action makes them start to think that what you’re saying is true and that they should nod “yes” too, since our behaviors are social.
- 通过一起做心跳加速的事情让其他人对你产生好感。很明显,你们俩还是需要有共同点的,这个你可以慢慢培养。如果对方一直只把你当朋友,而你想突破的时候,你可以尝试跟ta一起运动,一起看恐怖片,一起坐过山车等等。 因为这个时候ta会心跳加速,而ta的大脑很容易会把这些活动带来的心跳加速张冠李戴到你身上,以为这是因为你和他的亲密行为带来的。
Trick people into being romantically interested in you by doing heart-racing activities. Obviously, you need to have some sort of commonality that you can build off of, but if you want someone to see you differently (cough if you’re stuck in the friend zone cough) good ideas of activities to do are: working out together, watching horror movies, going on rollercoaster rides, etc. Because their heart is racing, it is easy for their brain to misattribute increased heart rate from these activities as increased heart rate due to YOU and your proximity to them. It’s a simple psychological trick that is used in couple’s therapy all the time, and it can help bond two people closer together, even if you’re already romantically interested. As we all know, emotional response and physiological response is extremely closely related. Edit: This method is derived from the Schachter-Singer Two-Factor Theory of Emotion, if you’re interested in researching more :)
- 如果你想让某人平静下来。你可以对他们表达同理心,同时用降级的方式进行描述。我明白你为什么那么生气。你有理由抓狂。这个世界也让我很烦。他们会接受他们想要的这种认同,同时也会接受这种递减的情绪,从而变得更加平静。
If you want to calm someone down, sympathize with them whilst describing what’s upsetting them in descending orders of magnitude. I understand why you’re angry, you’re right to be frustrated. This would annoy me too. As they accept the acknowledgements they want they should also accept the declining emphasis on emotion and become calmer.
- 梵高说过:如果你的大脑中有个声音告诉你:你不能画画。尽一切办法去画,然后你脑中的声音就会渐渐安静下来。你的信念很大程度上会影响你的行为。但如果你意识到脑中的信念,却仍然去行动,结果会开始改变。
Van Gogh said, “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” Your beliefs greatly affect your behaviors. When you identify what beliefs are holding you back and act in spite of them, your results will begin to change.
- 有一种心理学现象叫富兰克林效应。具体说来就是,当你找一个人帮你个小忙的时候,会让对方产生他喜欢你的心理。“那些帮过你的人比你帮过的人更愿意再帮你一次。”
If someone doesn’t like you, ask to borrow a pencil. Its so small a favor that they won’t say no, and it will get them to like you more.
- 注意脚。脚也是身体语言的一部分。比如,当你靠近一个人,对方只是把身体转向你,并没有把脚转向你,可能是他更愿意独处。当你跟一个人在对话的时候,当他的脚已经指向别处,可能他已经想走了。